nstallation:---------------unzip the archive to folder "../Bioware/DragonAge/packages/core/override" which is typically located in "My Documents" folder.to uninstall:---------------delete folder "tucked_hair" from folder "../Bioware/DragonAge/packages/core/override" notes and known issues:---------------Default package only allows the hair to be selected from the Toolset. To enable selection directly in the game download and unpack also the additional file, tucked_hair_chargenmorphcfg.zip This file is not included by default as it breaks compatibility with other character mods.A 3rd party application, "Dragon Age CharGenMorph Compiler" can be used to combine this provided extra file with similar files from other hair add-ons, allowing them to co-exist in the character creator part of the game. For the application download and instructions how to use it check the following project: Social.bioware.comDepending on exact shape of the head there can be some slight clipping between the hair strands and character's skull/ears. This can be mostly fixed in the Toolset but can be harder to achieve in the default character editor.The package currently doesn't include custom low detail level meshes used when drawing characters at distance -- the default game meshes are used instead. As such, the appearance of hair on characters far away from the camera may be somewhat different than close up.to other modders you are free to use this in your released mods, mention my name if you please
Dragon Age Origins Male Hair Mods
There are two types of people: those who use mods and those who are missing out. Modding a game achieves various things, from texture updates and patch fixes to customized hair and armour improvements. These mods are created by the community, for the community, based on what the player base feel the game lacks or needs to have fleshed out. It can help fill the holes in your gaming experience and even provide hidden last-minute removed dialogue or items.
User Info: Unee Unee 10 years ago 2 Im in the same boat, the face mods i download include the hair, but when i create my own character it doesnt show Xbox live GT: Racian User Info: ashenwraith ashenwraith 10 years ago 3 Funny.I have the exact same problem and not sure if its because Im new to using mods for DA:O or its some type of patchcompatibility issue.
This is the easiest and most full featured way to get all the characters nude with beautiful tits, pussies for the girls, and soft and hard cocks for the guys. This is a combination of mods from various authors that have been put together for the ultimate nude experience in DAO. Choose from various styles and colors of pubic hair, breast size (although the differences are rather subtle). There are many options explained at the link, so just go there and follow the instructions. You will need DAO Modmanager and it's actually all pretty simple.