HaraHara Mahadeva is a Kannada mythological television series based on legends of Lord Shiva, also known as Mahadeva. It is airing on the newly named Star Suvarna channel from 25 July 2016.[1] Star Suvarna, the 4th largest Kannada channel in India, is funding this serial with the largest regional market budget of Rs.60 crore[2][3] (over US$9 million Aug 2017).[4] It is remake of Hindi serial Devon Ke Dev...Mahadev and dubbed in Telugu and Tamil languages.[5][6][7][8] It has several nominations for the Suvarna Film Awards.[9] Ajay Devgan said it was a "visual treat" and had many untold stories of Lord Mahadeva.[10] This big budget serial is based on the work by Devdutt Pattanaik.[11] It has aired over 300 episodes[12] and Karthik Parak, head of regional branch programming at Star Suvarna plans to extend it to 500 episodes.[13]
Hara Hara Mahadeva Telugu Serial Episode 6
DOWNLOAD: https://urlgoal.com/2vAh6z